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1) Read a lot. No excuses please.
2) Write. Again, no excuses. It doesn't matter what it is. It could be a line or a poem. Just write it down. I tend to get inspiration at random times, and I ended up writing on tissues, although nowadays I make sure to carry a small notebook with me around. 
3) Find ideas. It doesn't have to be reading. You can go around talking to people or find things that inspires you and sometimes pieces of the puzzle fall in place. When I was writing my crime novel, I was struggling on the ending and an English professor asked me questions with the 5 wives and 1 husband rule. As a professor, he was strict and refuse to let me flounder my answers, so I had to think a lot. It was thanks to him that I was finally able to find the ending. 
4) Don't give up. I know sometimes it's hard to find the words to flow, and you get that feeling where you just want to throw in the towel, but I have wonderful friends and colleagues who encourage me every day to write, and in return I gave some of them my manuscript to read through. It's always nice to share your script with your friends, and it's even better when they give you feedback.
And here's a funny thing. People always think you write for the fans, but it's not entirely true. You write for yourself first. If you love your creation, then others will too, in time. Good luck writing.

PS: Not all writers are the same. Everyone has their own preference and quirks. Some writers plot, some writers write as they go along. Find a style that suits you and write away.


Tips on Writing

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